Types of Editing

Developmental Editing:

This type of editing addresses the overall content and structure of your book. It includes plotline, story arcs, consistency, flow, structure, readability, and overall clarity of the topic/genre. This may involve the movement of paragraphs or whole portions of the manuscript, including areas to delete or add to. There will be no direct input into the manuscript itself, rather comments and suggestions are made within the margins of the manuscript. You will also receive a corresponding report which covers all issues encountered.

Content Editing:

Content editing involves addressing grammar, syntax, voice, flow, tense, point of view, consistency with wording/characters, and overall writing structure. It can involve direct editing into the manuscript itself line by line as well as adding notes in the margins to add paragraphs, delete paragraphs, or move sentences and portions of the manuscript around.

Please note that content editing does not address developmental editing issues such as overall story structure as this is covered in developmental editing. However, I will make comments in the margins if I see something of note.

Copy Editing:

This type of editing does not cover flow, tense, point of view, and consistency with characters as content editing does above, but rather addresses the accuracy of the manuscript in relation to spelling, use of grammar and punctuation, vocabulary, and incorrect word usage. This does not come with bells and whistles like content editing, but it is a crucial service that shouldn’t be missed.


It addresses errors, spelling mistakes, syntax issues, and language differences. This is the final pass of edits. This service may be outsourced.

Editorial Assessment

I am happy to offer a sample edit of up to 500 words, free of charge. This is because editing is a personal choice and comes down to the best ‘fit’ for your manuscript, writing style, and requirements. You may submit up to 3000 words of your manuscript where I will edit the first 500 words.


Timeframes are dependent on how long you take to resolve the edits made in a round. Up-to- date communication between us both is key to ensure there are no misunderstandings. Therefore, based on the above, editing can be undertaken and completed within 10 to 90 days.

Editorial Review Session

Sessions are conducted in person or a Zoom call. In the session, we will address any questions that arise during the editing process that need clarification. This may include a discussion of errors to avoid.

Coaching Session

A coaching session addresses issues that impact the writing process, some of which may include writer’s block, confusion, self-confidence, and purpose.  DiMonte Publishing offers coaching sessions where the coach is ACC credentialed by the International Coach Federation. This includes all core competencies of the federation and the rules of ethics, especially confidentiality.

Self-Publishing Research & Promo

Includes information about any of the following:

Amazon, Substack, Readings, Competitions, Periodicals, Reviews, Cover Design, Internal Formatting, Book Fairs, LinkedIn & Facebook groups, ISBN activities, Associations, and Client requests not listed here to be determined.


  • Developmental Edits: $0.30c per word
  • Content Edits: $0.025c per word
  • Copy Edits: $0.020c per word
  • Bundled Content & Copy Edits: $.035c per word
  • Proofreading: outsourced (generally, $.02 – $.029/per word)
  • Typing: $15.00 per hour
  • Editorial Assessment: free of charge
  • Editorial Review Session: $50.00 per hour
  • Coaching Session: $50.00 per hour
  • Self-Publishing: $20.00 per hour

If you would like to conduct a second round of editing, for example, content editing first, and copy editing second, then this second round is also charged at the rate outlined above (if not already pre-purchased in a bundle round).

Bundling of Services

Bundling of services is offered for those clients who need a cost-effective solution for several editing rounds in a shorter period. In this case, one round of editing is undertaken but I will look at two editing services in the same round (for example, content and copy editing).


Important Notes


  • DiMonte Publishing follows Chicago Manual of Style with the Oxford punctuation style in American
  • If you wish to engage DiMonte Publishing for more than one round of editing (e.g., developmental and content editing), a new round of editing cannot be started until the last round has been completed. This means that the second round of editing (e.g., content editing), can only start until you have resolved all the edits made in the previous round (e.g., developmental editing). Resolving the edits made in a round means you either reject or accept them and the manuscript is again, clean, before being sent back to DiMonte Publishing for the next round of edits.
  • DiMonte Publishing works in Microsoft Word.
  • Once editing has begun, the author must not enter the document until editing has been completed, or if requested. This ensures your editing round is comprehensive. If the author needs to enter some words into the document after editing has begun, please contact me.  Any words added beyond 300 words will be charged additional to the original word count submitted for editing at the contracted rate.
  • Please submit a clean manuscript before editing can begin. Images, graphs, and formatted documents run the risk of having the document crash and all the work being These items must be added after editing is complete.
  • Should you wish to include DiMonte Publishing in the acknowledgements of your book, please enquire before doing so. This is because DiMonte may not have undertaken all rounds of editing.
  • Communication between the author and DiMonte Publishing can be undertaken via various methods including email, texts, and Zoom calls.
  • In traditional publishing, four sets of eyes usually look over a manuscript: a developmental editor, a content editor, a copy editor, and a proofreader. And even with four sets of eyes looking over a manuscript, research sites that such a manuscript will still only be 85-95% error-free. Therefore, although DiMonte Publishing does its utmost to provide you with the best possible manuscript, DiMonte Publishing is not responsible for any typos or other errors in the final This is because typos and other errors can be missed and/or introduced in the editing process as DiMonte Publishing has no control over what edits the author accepts or rejects, or what formatting errors may arise following the edit. Therefore, it is always recommended that you read through the final manuscript at least once after professional editing to check for inconsistencies. Engaging a beta reader, or an advanced reader team to spot final proofreading or other errors is another way to ensure your manuscript is clean before the final is submitted.